*Register for Clinic
*Reset Password




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You do not have a SiteName
Click to Logon: Register.
You will be notified by email when you are activated
See the FAQ How to get a SiteName and Password

You do not remember your SiteName.
It is usually your first name and last name
Some people also use their middle name or a middle initial
Spaces and capitalization are not important

You have a SiteName but never knew your Password (never logged on to before)
Contact the Assignor in your area. Ask him/her to reset your password.

You have a SiteName but do not know your password (you have logged on before)
Go to Logon Enter your Site Name
Click "Logon"
Click to Reset Password

You know your SiteName and Password
Click to Logon

You are registered with Pensra but don't know your SiteName or Password
If you are a Referee, contact your Assignor.
Request your SiteName and Password from the Pensra Webmaster by email (be sure to tell the webmaster who YOU are).
If you just completed Logon: Register, you will receive your password via email within 3 days.

Protect Your Password

Anyone with your SiteName and Password can logon as you.
Set your password wisely!
Always remember to logoff when you are done.

Updated 4/14/2012