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The Field named McKinley MS South is at the Location named McKinley Middle School

McKinley Middle SchoolOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Address, Area=San Mateo County _ Central
James Ave and Fulton Street
Redwood City, CA 94062
Google Map of the Vicinity OpenStreetMap
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Fields defined at this Location
  1. McKinley MS, RidgeStar 268, Demosphere 20611757,42593132
  2. McKinley MS North (Grass), RidgeStar 1055
    SubField of: McKinley MS
  3. McKinley MS South (Grass), RidgeStar 1056
    SubField of: McKinley MS
Google Derived Travel Durations
500Chabot College30 minutes
139AEDEl Camino Park21 minutes
151Franklin Square Park41 minutes
538Kennedy Middle School Redwood City10 minutes
221AEDMayfield Fields23 minutes