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McKinley Middle SchoolOpenStreetMap GoogleMaps

Address, Area=San Mateo County _ Central
James Ave and Fulton Street
Redwood City, CA 94062
OpenStreetMap GoogleMaps
Fields defined at this Location
  1. McKinley MS, RidgeStar 268, Demosphere 20611757,42593132
  2. McKinley MS North (Grass), RidgeStar 1055
    SubField of: McKinley MS
  3. McKinley MS South (Grass), RidgeStar 1056
    SubField of: McKinley MS
Google Derived Travel Durations
500Chabot College30 minutes
139AEDEl Camino Park21 minutes
151Franklin Square Park41 minutes
538Kennedy Middle School Redwood City10 minutes
221AEDMayfield Fields23 minutes