How to register with the South Bay Arbiter groups? Referee Assignors and Referee Assigning Software
- Assignors
- These are the people that have the responsibility of connecting referees with specific matches. Assignors are the first point of contact between each referee and the teams, leagues and state referee association. Assignors are both volunteer and paid. Assignors of USSF matches are licensed by the USSF. Some Assignors are paid - others are volunteers. Assignors have a set of matches that they are looking for referees - youth recreational, youth competitive, high school, amateur adult, college, semi-pro, etc.
Most assignors use a web-based software program to communicate with referees. Assignors in geographic area can work together to use the same software - giving the referee a uniform experience in looking for matches.
San Francisco Bay Area
- San Mateo and San Francisco Counties --Competitive youth and some recreational youth matches use RidgeStar Software. and are examples.
- Santa Clara, San Jose, Santa Cruz Counties - Competitive youth and some recreational youth matches use The Arbiter Software.
Arbiter District 2 Super Group
Many Arbiter groups in the South Bay have pooled together into a "super group". Each group is separate, and it is easy to switch between them. Referees are advised to start with one or two groups that are geographically convenient. Referees are advised to also select "Morgan Hill" as this Arbiter group is used for the big tournaments.
During registration, referees are asked for their USSF ID Number. If you do not know this number, just enter 0.
Register with the Arbiter District 2 Super Group
Here is a list of Arbiter Groups that are part of the District 2 Arbiter Super Group
- Almaden Valley Youth Soccer League
- Central Santa Clara Valley Youth Soccer
- D1SFSRA (San Francisco)
- DYSL / MVLA / SASC / WVYSL (DeAnza, Mountain View/Los Altos, Sunnyvale,West Valley)
- Los Gatos United Soccer League
- Morgan Hill Soccer
- Mount Hamilton Youth Soccer League
- MYSC (Milpitas)
- North Valley Youth Soccer League
- OVYSL (Orchard Valley)
- Santa Clara Youth Soccer League
- SCC Soccer Referees (Santa Cruz County)
- South San Jose Youth Soccer League