How to cross register from USSF to AYSO USSF to AYSO cross registration is available only to those individuals that have never been registered as a referee with AYSO.
- USSF Grassroots ==> AYSO Regional.
- USSF Regional or National ==> AYSO Advanced
- Obtain and complete the cross certification form
 - Obtain the necessary USSF signatures. DO NOT MAIL THE FORM TO AYSO in Los Angeles!
You will need to contact the State Referee Administrator for the USSF signature. Get the form back to you. A self addressed stamped envelope helps. You should control the paperwork flow. - Register with your local AYSO Region.
You will need to complete a volunteer registration form. You will need to take an on-line Safe-Haven course. Regions - Provide the signed form to the local Regional Referee Administrator.
Keep a photocopy!
RegistrationYou are eligible to referee when AYSO approves the paperwork.
The regional referee administrator will give you a badge and assignments.
You are required to reregister as a volunteer annually. |