How to cross register from AYSO to USSF In the past, AYSO to USSF cross registration was available only to those individuals that have never been registered with USSF. Past USSF registration is not addressed in the current procedure (as of 2020).
- AYSO Regional ==> No cross registration.
- AYSO Intermediate ==> USSF Grassroots
- AYSO Advanced ==> USSF Grassroots
- AYSO National ==> USSF Grassroots
- Obtain and complete the cross certification form
 - Obtain the necessary AYSO signatures. DO NOT MAIL THE FORM TO USSF in Chicago!
Get the form back to you. A self addressed stamped envelope helps. You should control the paperwork flow. - Follow the CNRA
(California North Referee Association) Instructions You will likely be required to register with USSF Current fee is $65 per calendar year. (2019)
ALTERNATIVE Fill out a paper registration form See Instructions Starting in 2020, referee registration procedures for the CNRA are changing platforms. There will likely be some incorrect information on websites and some ambiguity in the instructions until a new cross certification procedure is adopted. As cross certification is relatively rare, please be understanding. It may take some perseverance to accomplish cross certification till a new procedure is adopted and publicized.
- Contact the CNRA Registrar and send them the signed form.
Additional Instructions

RegistrationYou are eligible to referee when CNRA approves the paperwork.
USSF now requires background checks for all referees over 18 years of age. The background check costs around $32 and is good for two years (as of 2020).
Your badge will take 2-6 weeks to arrive.
You are required to recertify/reregister annually. |