Books for Referees Recommended Works on Laws, Technique and Match Control
- The Soccer Referee's Manual, David Ager, A&C Black Publishing, 2005, 5th Edition, ISBN: 0713673907, 160 pages image
- Football Refereeing: Beyond the Laws of the Game, Carlos Bacigalupe, 2022, ISBN 9798390139165, 383 pages image
- Take Charge Soccer Officiating, Al Baer, Referee Enterprises, 1993, 61 pages
- The Referee's Survival Guide: Practical Suggestions for Soccer Officials, Jeffrey Caminsky, New Alexandria Press, 2007, ISBN: 9780979010606, 242 Pages image
- For the Good of the Game: Modern Techniques and Practical Wisdom for Today's Soccer Referee, Robert Evans and Edward Bellion, Youth Sports Publishing, 2000, ISBN: 1889424080, 326 pages image
- Soccer Rules Explained, Stanley Lover, Lyons Press, NY, 1998 ISBN: 1558217223 image
- Soccer Match Control: an Illustrated Handbook for the Football Referee, Stanley Lover, Penguin USA; Rev 1988, ISBN: 0720716551 image
- Masterclass for Soccer Officials, Stanley Lover, Referee Enterprises, 2003, ISBN: 1582080399, 136 pages image
- How to Referee, William Pickford, E. Hulton & Co., 1906, ISBN: B0000EF1BZ, 139 pages image
- Geoff Hurst, The Hand of God and the Biggest Rows in World Football, Graham Poll, HarperSport, London, 2009, ISBN: 9780007313747, 305 pages image
- 19 Smart Moves for the Soccer Official, Carl P. Schwartz, Referee Enterprises, 1997, 20 pages image
- Soccer Game Intelligence: The Difference-Maker in Officiating, Carl P. Schwartz and Dan C. Heldman, Referee Enterprises, 2011, 97 pages, ISBN: 978-1-58208-162-5 image
- Soccer Officials Guidebook For a Crew of Three Officials: Diagonal System of Control, Carl P. Schwartz, Referee Enterprises, Inc. Publisher, 2002, ISBN: 1582080100, 344 pages image
- Smart Soccer Officiating: How to Get Better Every Game, Carl P. Schwartz, Referee Enterprises, Inc. Publisher, 2001, ISBN: 1582080224, 91 pages image
- What Now? The essential guide for new soccer referees., John M. Wargo, McNelly SoftWorks, LLC, 2007, ISBN: 1419682334, 112 pages image
Other Works on Laws, Technique and Match Control
- The Soccer Referee's Manual, David Ager, Contemporary Publishing, 1995, 1st Edition, ISBN: 0713639881, 127 pages image
- The Soccer Referee's Manual, David Ager, Contemporary Publishing, 1998, 2nd Edition, ISBN: 1570281874, 135 pages image
- The Soccer Referee's Manual, David Ager, Contemporary Publishing, 2001, 3rd Edition, ISBN: 0809297353, 150 pages image
- The Soccer Referee's Manual, David Ager, A&C Black Publishing, 2004, 4th Edition, ISBN: 0713666765, 160 pages image
- The Book of Rules of the Game of Foot Ball, Charles William Alcock, Peck & Snyder, Publishers, New York 1871, 35 pp. Also available from Human Touch Publishing-Noble Press, Key Biscayne, Florida, reprint, ISBN 9785882515828 image
- Officiating Soccer, American Sport Education Program, 2005, ISBN: 0736047611 image
- Referee Instructor Resource Book: Find Success Instructing AYSO Referees, American Youth Soccer Organization, 2011-2012, 56 Pages image
- Guidance for REferees and Coaches: AYSO Interpretations, Instructions and Advice on the Laws of the Game, American Youth Soccer Organization, 2003, 24 pages image
- The Use of Video Technologies in Refereeing Football and Other Sports, Manuel Armenteros (editor), Routledge Research in Sports Technology and Engineering, New York, 2019, ISBN 978-1138312043, 392 Pages image
- Interpretations, Instructions, and Advice for Referees, AYSO National Referee Program, Hawthorne, California, 1998, 52 pages (From the library of Ken Aston)
- Manual for Youth Referees, AYSO National Support and Training Center, Hawthorne, California, 2009, 16 pages image
- Soccer Officiating without Neutral Linesmen, Graham C. Andersen, Katakin Publication, Regina Saskatchewan, Canada, 1995, ISBN: 0969945701, 31 pages
- Blowing the Whistle: A Referee's View of Soccer, Dirk Baay, Halftime Press, 1997, ISBN: 0965646300, 164 pages image
- Refereeing Youth Soccer, The Spirit of the Game, Roland Bedard, SAYUSA, Cincinnati, Ohio, 2003, 39 pages image
- Football Refereeing a guide to beginners and advance refereeing, Utpal Kumar Bhattacharjee, The Marine Sports, 2013, ISBN: 9789381752043, 118 pages image
- Stop the Game: We're Going to Arrest the GoalKeeper!, Alastair Blair, thePotentMix, Ayrshire, Scotland, 2022, ISBN 9798836111973, 257 pp Image
- Soccer The Universal Game A Comprehensive Technical Casebook Valuable to All, Orazio Buttafuoco, Dorrance Publishing, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Ohio, 1993, ISBN:0805934480, 187 pages image
- Play On - Advantage! : The Book of Soccer Officiating, Jim Casada, et al., Referee Enterprises, WI, 1990, 64 pages
- Cheat the Referee, Anders Clement-Hermansen 2014 ISBN 9781312488274, 32 pages, eBook, image
- Soccer Refereeing: Whistling for Fun, Barry Corrall, Soccer Book Publishing Ltd, 1995, ISBN: 0-947808-63-9, 64 pages image
- You're joking ref! , Ben Cruikshank, Chandlers Ford, Hampshire: Agenda Ltd, 1995, ISBN 1899882057, 61 pages
- Soccer Football Association Laws of the Game, Diego de Leo, Imprenta Moderna Pintel S.A., Mexico D.F., First Printing English Edition, 1968, 239 pages image
- Soccer Laws of the Game, Diego De Leo, Impresores Aldina, S. A., Mexico. D. F., 16th Edition, 1999, 403 pages image
- Manual for Linesmen, Robert Evans, North Texas Soccer Referees Association, 1973, 40 pages (Autographed by Ken Aston.) Image
- The Illustrated Laws of Soccer, George Fisher, Davidson Tittles Inc., Jackson, Tennessee, 1994, 32 pages ISBN 1884756069 Image
- Referee's Handboodk for Youth Soccer, Jim Gennrich, Soccer Education, Thiensville, Wisconsin, 1983, 63 pages
- You, A Teenage Soccer Referee, Bill Glass, World Association Publishers, 2022, ISBN: 163385454X, 106 pages Image
- Officiating Soccer, Rosemarie Graham, Contemporary Books Inc, Chicago, 1981, ISBN: 0809274779, 127 pages
- You are the Ref: 50 Years of Paul Trevillion's cult classic comic strip, David Hills and Giles Richards, eds.; Observer Books, 2006, ISBN: 9780852650691,128 pages. image
- You are the Ref: The Ultimate Illustrated Guide, Keith Hackett and Paul Trevillion, Random House, 2010, ISBN: 9780852651483, 128 pages image
- You are the Ref: A Guide to Good Refereeing, Keith Hackett and Paul Trevillion, Bloomsbury Academic 2012, ISBN: 9781408158869, 208 pages image
- You are the Ref 3, Paul Trevillion and Keith Hackett, Guardian Books, 2014, ISBN: 9781783350216, 128 pages image
- You are the Ref: 300 footballing conundrums for you to solve, Paul Trevillion and Keith Hackett, Cassell Illustrated, 2018, ISBN: 9781788400756, 160 pages image
- Soccer Rules OK, Geoff Hales, A & C Black Publishers, London, 1988. ISBN: 0713656166, 72 pages image
- Before Fair or Foul? The New Referees' Companion, Paul E. Harris, Jr. , Soccer for Americans, 1992, ISBN: 0916802248, 46 pages (Dedicated to Ken Aston by author.) image
- Fair or Foul?, Paul E. Harris, Jr. and Larry R. Harris, Soccer for Americans, 1995, 6th Edition, ISBN: 0916802256, 224 pages image
- Fair or Foul?, Paul E. Harris, Jr. and Larry R. Harris, Soccer for Americans, 1978, World Cup Edition, ISBN: 0916802078, 347 pages image
- The Little Book of Soccer: Everyone's Illustrated Guide To The Laws of the Game, Paul E. Harris, Jr., Soccer for Americans, 1976, ISBN: 0916802000, 45 pages image
- Soccer Refereeing, Denis Howell, The Sportsman's Book Club, 1969, 134 pages image
- Soccer Refereeing Revised Edition, Denis Howell, Pelham Books, London, 1977, ISBN: 0720710030, 159 pages image
- Practical Advice for Referees: How to be an Effective Assistant Referee, David Hutchinson, Canary Publications, 2003, ISBN 978-1903712177, 12 pp image
- Practical Advice for Referees: Your First Match as an Referee, David Hutchinson, Canary Publications, 2002, ISBN 9781903712115, 12 pp image
- Referees' Handbook, questions and answers: with diagrams on the laws of the game , Robert Irving, W. H. Moss & Sons, Whitehaven, 1923, B5273790, 48 pages
- Soccer Official's Manual: Toward Better Soccer Officiating, Nick Kovalakides, Leisure Press, 1978, ISBN: 0918438500, 100 pages image
- Soccer Official's Manual: Toward Better Soccer Officiating, Nick Kovalakides, Leisure Press, 1981, ISBN: 0918438500, 96 pages
- Soccer Official's Manual: Toward Better Soccer Officiating, Nick Kovalakides, Leisure Press, 1984, ISBN: 0880112425, 104 pages image
- Rules for Youth Soccer, Keith A. Kurtz, On Demand Printing, Las Vegas, 2023, ISBN 9798986575414, 45 pages, image
- Association Football Laws Illustrated, Stanley Lover, Pelham Books, London, 1970 ISBN: 720704340, 128 pages
- Association Football-Laws Illustrated, Stanley Lover, Pelham Books, London, Revised 1975, ISBN: 07207087969, 128 pages image
- Association Football-Match Control, Stanley Lover, Pelham Books, London, 1978, ISBN: 0720710359, 240 pages
- Soccer and its Rules, Stanley Lover, Soccer Learning Systems, Pleasanton, California, 2004, 25 pages
- The "Middle" Man: mainly for Referees but of interest to all followers of the Game, E. W. Lovick, Groom & Son, Bury St. Edmunds, 1962, 39 pages image
- The Rules of Soccer: Simplified, Larry Maisner and Bill Mason, Maisner & Mason, San Pedro, 4th Edition, 1975, 12 pages
- In Search of Fair Play, D. C. Emerson Mathurin, Reedswain, 1996, ISBN: 092119305X, 191 pages image
- Linesmanship: The Art of Enhancing a Referee's Performance, D.C. Emerson Mathurin, Reedswain Publ., 1995, ISBN: 1890946133, 92 pages image
- Linesmanship: The Art of Enhancing a Referee's Performance, D.C. Emerson Mathurin, Sporting Press, 1995, ISBN: 0952701405, 101 pages image
- Officials Manual: Soccer, Dave Matthews, Ben McGuire, Jim Peterson, Stipes Publishing, Champaign, IL, 36 pg.
- How To Be a Football Referee, Larry Mortimer, Mambo Press, Zimbabwe, 2nd Edition, 1985, ISBN 0869222368, 86 pages.
- A Case in Mind and Selections from the Sound of the Whistle, Ken Mullen, 1976, 94 pages
- It's Your Call! How to Prepare for Games for New Soccer Referees - When Morphing Matters, Tommy O'Brien,, 2004, 24 pages image
- Seven Ways to Upgrade Entry Level Referee Training & Officiating, Tommy O'Brien,, 2008, 40 pages image
- The ABC's of Soccer: Illustrated Soccer Laws and Beginning Soccer Basics, John Paris, Hutch Sporting Goods, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1984, 58 pages image
- How to Understand Soccer Control: Referees' Do's and Don'ts, Victor Rae, Self Published, Church Army Press, Oxford, 23 pages (photocopy) image
- Nine Laws You Thought You Knew, Referee Enterprises, Racine, WI, 2019, 20 pages. image
- "REF RAF" The Assessment of: Referees and Linesmen, Royal Air Force, 1973, 50 pages. image
- SAY Soccer Playing Laws, First Edition, Soccer Association for Youth, Cincinnati, Ohio 2013, 64 pages image
- SAY Soccer Playing Laws, Second Edition, Soccer Association for Youth, Cincinnati, Ohio 2015, 64 pages image
- SAY Soccer Playing Laws, Fourth Edition, Soccer Association for Youth, Cincinnati, Ohio 2022, 56 pages image
- The Official's Guide Soccer '97-'98, Carl P. Schwartz, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin, 1997, ISBN 9780966020991, 81 Pages image
- The Official's Guide Soccer '98-'99, Carl P. Schwartz, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin, 1998, ISBN: 158208002X, 98 pages image
- The Official's Guide Soccer '99-'00, Carl P. Schwartz, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin, 1999, ISBN: 1582080119, 97 pages image
- Rules for Refs: Soccer '00-'01, Carl P. Schwartz, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin, 2000, ISBN: 1582080178, 104 pages image
- Rules for Refs: Soccer '01-'02, Carl P. Schwartz, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin, 2001, ISBN: 1582080232, 94 pages image
- Rules for Refs: Soccer '02-'03, Carl P. Schwartz, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin, 2002, ISBN: 1582080305, 91 pages image
- Soccer, Georges Schwartz, Collier Books, New York, 1976, LoC #76-40518, 144 pages
- The Ugly Laws of the Beautiful Game, Bernard Seal, Pinniped Press, Los Angeles, 2022, ISBN9798986711401,83 pages Image
- Soccer Rules! The Official Laws of the Game 2000 Edition, Soccer Australia, 128 pages
- Thinking Soccer: Officiating Success Techniques - Philosophy and Hands-On Techniques To Enhance Your Performance, Jeffery Stern, ed., Referee Enterprises, 1996, ISBN 0966020987, 87 pages image
- Casebook Plus Soccer 1996-97, Jeffery Stern, ed., Referee Enterprises, 1996, 75 pages
- As I See Soccer, Lawrence Sutton, Starling Press LTD, ISBN:090343444X, 1981, 122 pages image
- Frankly Incompetent Football Authorities, Lawrence Sutton, Acorn, Newark, 2002, ISBN:1903263611, 238 pp image
- 33 Ways to Become a Better Soccer Referee, Augusto Sylvani; REFNET, Bethlehem, PA, 1993, 22 pages image
- Soccer Laws of the Game with Illustrations, Mehmet Ugursoy; La Stampa Distributing, Toronto, 1976, 164 pages (From the personal library of Ken Aston)
- Preventive Officiating - How a Referee Avoids Trouble on the Soccer Field, Randy Vogt, 2010, ISBN:1450567622, 113 pages image
- Teaching Off-side! A Soccer Manual for Players, Parents, Coaches & Referees, Tony Waiters and Bob Evans, Youth Sports Publishing 1989, ISBN: 1889424021, 28 pages
- Illustrated Soccer Rules, Johnny Welton and Jo Ann Fairbanks, Contemporary Books, Inc., Chicago, 1983, ISBN: 0809255200, 113 pages
- So You Want to Be a Grassroots Referee, Richard Wood or Reg Wilson, 2016, ISBN: 9781533623270, 37 pages image
General Interest - Soccer
- Now you know soccer, Doug Lennox, Dundurn Press, Toronto, 2009, ISBN 978-1-55488-416-2 / 1554884160, 197 pages image
- Football Worlds: A Lifetime in Sport; Stanley Rous, Faber & Faber, 1978, IBN: 0571111947, 223 pages image
British Football Association Publications
- Advice for Newly Qualified Referees, John Baker, The FA, 2001, 43 pages image
- Advice on the Application of the Laws of the Game, John Baker, The FA, 2003, 38 pages image
- The Assessor's Challenge, Ted Ring, The Referee's Association, 1994, Coventry, 166 pages
- Association Football: An Instructional Book of the Football Association, The Football Association, 1939, 40 pages, ASIN B0014KZXMA
- Course of Training For Referees - Basic Syllabus, The Football Association, 1957, 11 pages
- A Guide to Assistant Referees, John Baker, The FA, 2003, 18 pages image
- A Guide to Misconduct Report Writing, John Baker, The FA, 2003, 29 pages image
- A Guide to Fitness for Referees, John Baker, The FA, 2002, 54 pages image
- FA Guide for Referees & Linesmen,, The FA, Heinemann Ltd/Naldrett Press Ltd, 1961, 71 pages image
- FA Guide for Referees & Linesmen,, The FA, Heinemann Ltd/Naldrett Press Ltd, 1968, 75 pages
- How to become a Referee, The Football Association Pocket Guides 1, Naldrett Press, 1949, 53 pages image
- Handbook for Assessors, John Baker, The FA, 2002, 47 pages
- Soccer: The Football Association's Illustrated Handbook, KTG Know the Game, Ken Ridden, EP Publishing Ltd and the FA, 1979, ISBN: 0715807188,48 pages image
- Official FA Guide to Basic Refereeing, John Baker, Hodder & Stoghton, 2004, ISBN: 034081604X, 160 pages image
Federation Internationale de Football Association Publications
- Essential Principles for Efficient Refereeing, Constantinos Soupliotis, FIFA, April 1999, 4th Edition, 70 pages (From personal collection of C. P. Schwartz)
- Handbook 1981 - 1982, English Edition, FIFA, Zurich , 1981, 211 pages (From personal collection of Ken Aston)
- Handbook for Referee Instructors, English Edition, FIFA, Zurich , 1974, 97 pages (From personal collection of Ken Aston)
- Interpretation of the Laws of the Game and Guidelines for Referees, (No date, publisher or other information.) This is included with the FIFA version of the LOTG. Estimate 2011. 128 Pages
- Referee' Instructors Handbook, English Edition, FIFA, Zurich , 1973, 95 pages (From personal collection of Ken Aston: autographed)
USSF Publications
- Additional Instructions and Guidelines for Referees and Assistant Referees, Paul Tamberino, Alfred Kleinaitis, United States Soccer Federation, 2008
- Advice to Referees on the Laws of the Game, United States Soccer Federation, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009/2010, 2010/2011, 2012, 2013/2014 editions
- Guide to Procedures For Referees, Assistant Referees and 4th Officials, United States Soccer Federation, 2005, 2007, 2010/11, 44 pages
- Guide for Fourth Officials, United States Soccer Federation, 2001, 19 pages
- Instructors' Casebook: Analysis of Match Situations, United States Soccer Federation, 1991 (Training material for USSF and AYSO National Referee Programs from library of Charles P. Schwartz.)
- Instructor's Guide for Training Beginning Soccer Referees, United States Soccer Federation, 1978, 24 pages Image
- Referee Administrative Handbook, United States Soccer Federation, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009/10, 60 pages
- Official Soccer Football Rules, International Laws of the Game U.S.S.F.A. Variations, United States Soccer Football Association, New York, ca.1963, 16 pages
NCAA / NISOA Publications
- Official Soccer Guide 1942 with the Official Laws, Douglas Stewart, A. S. Barnes& Company, New York, 1942, 114 Pages Image
- Manual of Soccer Officiating, National Intercollegiate Soccer Officials Association, Waterbury, VT, ca. 1967, 21 Pages Image
Journal Articles
- Black (Yellow or Green) Bastards: Soccer Refereeing in Australia: A Much Maligned Profession, Roy Hay,
- Blowing the Whistle? A Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of Formal and Discretionary Powers of Referees in Swedish Football, Bo Carlsson, Malmo University ISSN: 1748-944X
- Elite Level Refereeing in Men's Football: A Developmental Sociological Account, PhD Thesis, Sharon Colwell, Department of Sociology, University of Leicester, March 2004, 397 pages link

- Fact Sheet 15: Refereeing, University of Leicester, Sir Norman Chester Centre for Football Research, 2002, 16 pages
- Motivation and Punishment of Referees in non-professional Football, Michael Negri, Diplomica Verlag GmbH, 2010, ISBN 978-3842852242, 140 Pages
- The 'Lords of Truth': Local Refereeing in England and International Trends, John Williams, Sir Norman Chester Centre For Football Research, University of Leicester, 1995, 76 pages
- The Use of Video Technologies in Refereeing Football and Other Sports, Mauel Armenteros (editor), Routledge Research in Sports Technology and Engineering, New York, 2019, ISBN 978-1138312043, 392 Pages image
- The Emergence of Training: and Assessment for Referees in Association Football: Moving from the Side-lines, Tom Webb, The International Journal of the History of Sport, 2014, 19 Pages Full Text External Link

- Referees, Match Officials and Abuse: Research and Implications for Policy, Tom Webb, Mike Rayner, Jamie Cleland, Jimmy O'Gorman, Routledge Focus on Sport, Culture and Society, 2022, ISBN 0367633590, Routledge, 130 pp Image
Referee Memoirs & Biographies
- Bill the Hat - Soccer Referee and his short stories, Bill Alderson, Merlin Books Lmtd., 1994, ISBN: 086303691-0, 83 pages image
- A Foul is a Foul! Isn't it? Reflections on 50 Yeas as a Soccer Referee, Peter Aufsesser, Self Published 2021 ISBN 9798566584423, 112 Pages image
- Give a little whistle, Dave Ball, LULU 2009, LULU ID 6428814, 164 pp image
- Diary of a New Referee, Fez Barnard,, 2012, 3rd Edition, ISBN: 9781291177565, 104 pages image
- Whose Side are You on, Ref?, Norman Burtenshaw, Sphere Books Lmtd., 1974, ISBN: 0722120907, 206 pages image
- The Campbell Files: Everything you Won't Find in the Stewart Report, Donald Campbell, Margaret Bowden Publisher, 1995, ISBN: 064624969X, 199 pages
- Whistle Blower: My Autobiography, Mark Clattenburg, Headline Publishing Group, 2022, ISBN 9781472282033, 336 pages image
- A Lifetime of Soccer, Peter Craigmyle, Aberdeen Journals, 1949 ASIN: B001D1GMLG 64 pp. image
- A Lifetime of Soccer, Peter Craigmyle and Kevin Smith, Second Edition, 2023, ISBN 6798398383779, 70 pg image
- The Rules of the Game, Pierluigi Collina, Pan Books, 2004, ISBN: 0330418726, 207 pg image
- Don't "Cross" me, Ref!!, Ron Cross, Able Publishing, 2004, ISBN1903607493, 100 pages Image
- Man in the Middle, David Elleray, Time Warner Books, 2004, ISBN: 0316727148 ISBN: 075153580X (softcover) image
- Referee! A Year in the life of David Elleray, David Elleray, 1998, Bloomsbury Publ. London, 261 pages ISBN: 0747536929 image
- The Final Whistle, Arthur Ellis, Stanley Paul, 1962, 174 pages image
- Refereeing Round The World, A. Ellis, Sportsman Book Club Publishers, 1956, 193 pages image
- I'm Not God... I'm Just a Referee!, Roy Entwistle, Empire Publications, 1999, ISBN: 1901746100, 168 pages image
- William Pickford: a biography, Norman Gannaway, Hampshire FA, 2009, ISBN: 9780956122315, 154 pages image
- The Man in the Middle, Mervyn Griffiths; Stanley Paul Publ., London, 1958, 152 pages image
- Tales from the Touchline: Football Memories from a Referee and Fan, John Gunn, Pitch Publishing, 2021, ISBN 1785318184, 224 pp image
- Hackett's Law: A Referee's Notebook!, Keith Hackett, Willow Books, London, 1986, ISBN: 0002180766, 160 pages Image
- Added Time, Mark Halsey and Ian Ridley, Floodlit Dreams Ltd. Publishing, Herts, England, 2013, ISBN 9780992658519, 293 pg image
- Terrible Call: How I survived as a youth soccer referee, Bill Hagerty, 2021, ISBN 9798464501157, 190 pg image
- A Yorkshire Lad's Dream, Geoff Hartley, Acorn Publications, Newark, ISBN 1903263565, 2002, 99 pages
- Give a Little Whistle: The Recollection of a Remarkable Referee, Gordon Hill & Jason Thomas, Readers Union Group of Book Clubs, 1976, 157 pages image
- Bastard in Black: A local parks referee's tales of life on the edge, Jeff Jacklin, Amazon, 2014, ISBN 9781973317326 101 pp image
- Quest for the Cup: The Story of a Soccer Referee, Toros Parseghian Kibritjian, Delta Printing, North Hollywood, CA, USA, 1986, 182 pages Image
- Defining Moments in a Referee's Life, Toros Parseghian Kibritjian, Yerevan Printing, Pasadena, CA, USA, 2011, 190 pages image
- Referee's Referee: Becoming the Best, Abraham Klein and Rubi Shalev as told to Paul Harris, Soccer for Americans, CA, 1995, ISBN: 0916802264 image
- Between the Lines, Gerrard Lewis, Self Published , 2007, 348 pp image
- Lynch the Ref!!, Kevin M. Lynch, Logicplan Limited, 2002, ISBN: 0954374908, 154 pages image
- My Life on the Line, Gavin Muge with Sinom Rae, Nine Elms Books, London, 2023 ISBN:9781910533673, 175 pages image
- Oh, Ref!, Pat Partridge & John Gibson, Readers Union, 1980, ISBN: 0285624237, 189 pages image
- Reffing Hell: Stuck in the middle of a game gone wrong, Ian Plenderleith, Halcyon Publishing, Dorset, United Kingdom, 2022, ISBN 9781919624020, 306 pp Image
- Seeing Red, Graham Poll, Harper Collins, 2007, ISBN: 139780007262823, 370 pages image
- Jack Taylor World Soccer Referee, Jack Taylor and David Jones, Readers Union Group of Book Clubs, 1976, 183 pages image
- Soccer Refereeing: A Personal View, Jack Taylor, Faber and Faber, London, 1978, ISBN: 0571112994, 96 pages Image
- Knight of the Whistle: The Life of Top Referee Ralph Tarratt, Phil Dennett & Jeremy Gambrill, Whistleblower Press, 2003, ISBN: 0951359010, 199 pages Image
- Soccer Referee: A Guide to Fitness and Technique, Clive Thomas and Tom Hudson 1978, ISBN: 0715612794, 96 pages image
- By the Book, Clive Thomas, Willow Books, 1984, ISBN: 0002180839, 203 pages image
- The Man in the Middle: The Autobiography of the World Cup Final Referee, Howard Webb, Simon & Schuster, 2016, ISBN: 978-1471159954, 305 pages image
- One Night at the Palace: A Referee's Story, Alan Wilkie & George Miller, Parrs Wood Press, 2002, ISBN: 1903058354, 207 pages image
- Play to the Whistle (Referee of the 1947 FA Cup Final), Jim Wiltshire, London, W.H. Allen, 1948, 127 pages
- Who's the B*****d in the Black? Confessions of a Premiership Referee, Jeff Winter, Ebury Press, 2006, ISBN: 0091909163, 312 pages image
Quiz Books
- The Illustrated Soccer Quiz Book, Stan Lover, United States Soccer Federation, Rand McNally, Chicago, 1983, Lib of Congress Cat. # 82-62696, 125 pages image
- Soccer Judge, Stanley Lover, Mirror Books, 1980, ISBN 0859391981, 128 pages
- Soccer Referee Test Study Guide, Luis Montemayor , Triumph, 2013, ISBN 9781481817929, 63 pages image
- The Referees' Quiz Book 1, Reg Paine, Football Association, Pan Books, London, 1976, ISBN: 0330248472, 94 pages image
- The Referees' Quiz Book 2, Reg Paine, Football Association, Pan Books, London, 1979, ISBN: 0330258761, 93 pages
- Soccer Quiz, Victor Rae, Church Army Press, Oxford, 1948-49, image
- Soccer Quiz, Victor Rae, Church Army Press, Oxford, ca. 1949/1950, 10th Edition
- Soccer Quiz 1960, Victor Rae, Church Army Press, Oxford, 1960, Revised Edition image
- The "A. B. C." of Soccer, Victor Rae, Self Published, Church Army Press, Oxford, 1952, ASIN B0000CIFMZ, 56 pages image
- The F.A. Guide to the Laws of the Game: A Teaching Programme Devised by Learning Systems Ltd., The Football Association, Heinemann, London, 1969, ISBN 9780434250080, 120 pages image
- The F.A. Guide to the Laws of the Game: A Teaching Programme Devised by Learning Systems Ltd., Revised Edition, The Football Association, Heinemann, London, 1976, 120 pages
- Futbol means Soccer, Larry Harris, Soccer for Americans, Manhattan Beach, California, 1978, ISBN: 0916802094, 153 pages
- Association Football, A. H. Fabian and Geoffrey Green, eds.; Caxton Publishing, 1960, Volumes 1,2,3,4 (of 4) ISBN: B0000CKGWF, 428 pages (vol 1), 479 pages (vol 2), 474 pages (vol 3), 481 pages (vol 4) image
- Association Football, N. L. Jackson, Second Edition, George Newnes, Lmtd., Strand, England, 1900, 412 pages image
- Association Football The men who made it, Alfred Gibson and William Pickford, Caxton Publishing, London, 1905/6, 4 Volumes published. image
- Association Football: The Evolution of the Laws of the Game, Iain R. Moir, Master's Thesis, University of Birmingham, 1972, 142 pages
- The Badminton Library: Football History, Montague Shearman, Longmans, Green, And Co. London, 1901, 379 Pages
- The Contribution of the of Public Schools to the Evolution of the Laws of Association Football, Iain Moir, Bulletin of Physical Education, X, 1, (January 1974), pages 31-39
- Elite Soccer Referees: Officiating in the Premier League, La Liga and Serie A, Tom Webb, Routlege - Taylor & Francis, 2017, ISBN 9781138101616, 264 pages Image
- The Encyclopedia of World Soccer, Richard Henshaw; New Republic Books, 1979, ISBN: 0915220342, 828 pages.
- The Football Association 1863-1883: A Source Book - The Development of the Laws of the Game, Tony Brown, Soccerdata Publication, Nottingham, 2011, ISBN 978-1 905891-52-8, 110 pages image
- Football: The Association Game, Charles W. Alcock, New Ed., George Bell & Sons, London, 1906 (All England Series), 103 pages (photocopy)
- Football History: Laws of the Game: Referees, G. Furrer; Paulo C Godoy, Joseph S Blatter, FIFA, 1986, 208 pages image
- The History of The Football Association, Geoffrey Green, Naldrett Press, London, 1953, 692 pages image
- A History of the Laws of Association Football, Sir Stanley Rous and Donald Ford, FIFA / Pelham Books, London, 1974, ISBN: B0006CVPZ6, 147 pages Image
- The History of the North Middlesex Referees Society, Charles Lifford, D & P Bureau, London, 1974, 220 pages (From the library of Ken Aston)
- In the Eye of the Whistle: The Refereeing at the 1986 World Cup, David Ross, Onereal Publishing, 1988, ISBN: 0921193017, 120 pages image
- In the Eye of the Whistle II: The Refereeing at the 1990 World Cup, David Ross, Onereal Publishing 1991, ISBN: 0921193041, 144 pages image
- The Man in Black: A History of the Football Referee, Gordon Thomson, Prion Books, 1998, ISBN: 1853752843, 248 pages image
- Referees' Chart and Players' Guide to the Laws of the Game, The Football Association, 1939, 48 pages image
- The Rules of Association Football 1863, Melvyn Bragg, Bodleian Library, 2006, ISBN: 139781851243754, 63 pages image
- You're Off!, Adrian Besley Simon & Schuster, London, 2012, ISBN 9781849839471, 160 pp image
- Assistant Referees - The Diagonal, (Short history of the referee diagonal), , 2008, 4 pp File
- The Official's Role in Improving Sportsmanship, Jim Arehart, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin 2005, ISBN: 1582080585, 96 pages image
- Leadership Officiating - A Bold New Vision, Jim Arehart, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin 2006, ISBN: 1582080658, 96 pages image
- Blowing the Whistle: The Psychology of Football Refereeing, Stuart Carrington, Dark river, Oakmoor 2019, ISBN: 978-1911121626, 260 pages image
- Sports Officiating A Legal Guide, Alan S. Goldberger, Leisure Press, 1984, ISBN: 0880110929, 160 pages image
- Sports Officiating A Legal Guide 2nd Edition, Alan S. Goldberger, Referee Enterprises, 2007, ISBN: 9781582080840, 317 pages image
- Accountability in Officiating, Jim Grunska, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin 2004, ISBN: 1582080496, 85 pages image
- Positive and Creative American Youth Soccer: The Referee's Role, Gordon Hill, SMC Athletic Achievement Corporation, 1980, ISBN: 9780898110944, Cassette Tape Image
- Confidence in Conflict For Sports Officials, Peter Jaskulski, Truths Publishing, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 2017, ISBN 9780990910954 131 pages image
- Officiating to a Standard, Ken Koester, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin 2008, ISBN: 139781582081083, 108 pages image
- Sport Officiating: Recruitment, Development, and Retention, Lori Livingston, Susan Forbes, Nik Wattie, Ian Cunningham, Routledge Research in Sport Business and Management, 2020, ISBN 9781032336411, 156 pp, image
- Sports Officials and Officiating: Science and Practice, Clare MacMahon, Routledge, 2014, ISBN 978-0415835756, 176 Pages image
- The Social Ref: How to become a Better Referee and Umpire, Shawn Madden, Underdog Sports Leagues, 2019, ISBN 978-1793133540, 181 Pages image
- Image in Officiating, Matt Moore, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin 2011, ISBN: 9781582081717, 105 pages image
- Sidelines - Finding success where coaches and referees meet, Daniel Rothamel, Totus Publishing, 2021, ISBN: 9781736440827, 102 pages image
- Sport Psychology for Grassroots Referees, Frankie Scott, 2023, ISBN: 9781739713683, 135 pages image
- The Power of Persuasive Officiating , Tim Sloan and Ken Koester, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin 2007, ISBN: 139781582080987, 82 pages image
- The IT Factor in Officiating, Jeffrey Stern, Referee Enterprises, 2011, ISBN: 9781582081649, 108 pages image
- Year One: What to Expect in the First 12 Months of Your Officiating, Scott Tittrington, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin 2018, ISBN: 139781582084121, 40 pages image
- Psychology of Officiating, Robert S. Weinberg and Peggy A. Richardson, Leisure Press, 1990, ISBN: 0873228758, 184 pages image
- What Now?!?: Practical Answers to Tough Situations, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin 2017, ISBN: 139781582083490, 32 pages image
- A Football Compendium, Peter J. Seddon, 2nd Edition, The British Library, 1999, ISBN: 0712311181, 815 pages image
- Football League and Premiership Referees 1888 to 2013, Gilbert Upton, Revised and Updated Edition, SoccerData, Nottingham, 2012, ISBN: 9781905891603, 78 pages image
- Terms Used in Association Football: A Guide for Players, Referees and Officials in English, French, Spanish and German, FIFA, Zurich, 1974, 19 pages (From personal collection of Ken Aston)
- The Thinking Referee Soccer Quotations, Edited by Daniel Barrett, Rockford, IL, 21 pages
- Ward's Soccerpedia: The Lore and Laws of the Beautiful Game, Andrew Ward, Robson Books,2006, ISBN: 1861059833, 305 pages image
- We've All Been There, Gerry Hanagarth, Touchline Flags, Alan Sutton Publishing Ltd., Gloucester, 1991, ISBN: 0951753509, 31 pages
- The Golden Rules of Football, Ian Heath, Corgi Books, 1985, ISBN: 0552125989, 48 pages
- Who'd be a Walking Football Referee?, David Donaghy, Blurb, 2023, ISBN 9798211139060, 84 pages image
- Cleats: Who Tracked Soccer Through the House?, Bill Hinds, Andrews McMeel, Kansas City, 2004, ISBN: 0740741381, 127 pages image
- Should've Gone Tae Specsavers, Ref!, Allan Morrison, Luath Press, Edinburgh, 2013, ISBN 1908373733, 192 pp image
- Football Referees? You must be joking, Brian Palmer, 2012, ISBN: 9781479224470, 130 pages image
- The Unofficial 2002 World Cup Referees Joke Book, Michael Powell, Chicken House, 2002, ISBN: 190343422X, 128 pages image
- Football howlers. Victor Rae, Self Published, 1951, ASIN B0000CI2E1, 23 pages image
- World Cup's Strangest Moments, Peter Seddon, Robson Books, 2005, ISBN 1861058691, 282 pp. image
- The Final Whistle, Graham Sharpe, Robson Books, 2001, ISBN: 1861054483, 214 pages image
- The Referee's a ..., Chris Turner, Davids House Press, Cornwall, Great Britain, 2006, ISBN: 9780955289309, 95 pages image
- Soccer's Strangest Matches, Andrew Ward, Robson Books, London, 1989, ISBN: 0860516008, 207 pages image
From the Library of Ken Aston
Ken Aston was a noted English referee. Credited with establishing yellow/red cards. Well known for work with the FA, FIFA and AYSO. These books were purchased from his estate.
- So you'd like to know more about Soccer! A Guide for Parents, Paul E. Harris Jr., Soccer for Americans, Manhattan Beach, California , 1974, 113 pages (Dedicated to Ken Aston by the author. Includes a letter commenting on 1974 WC Final and requesting candid feedback on the book.)
- Football The Game and Rules, Stanley Lover, Chameleon Books, London, 1999, 128 pages ISBN 0233996583 (Dedicated to Ken Aston by the author.)
- Jack Taylor World Soccer Referee, Jack Taylor and David Jones, Readers Union Group of Book Clubs, 1976, 183 pages (Dedicated to Ken Aston by the author.)
- Official Soccer Rules Illustrated, Stanley Lover, Triumph Books, 1976, ISBN:1572433302, 134 pages (Dedicated to Ken Aston by the author.)
- Referee's Referee: Becoming the Best, Abraham Klein and Rubi Shalev as told to Paul Harris, Soccer for Americans, CA, 1995, ISBN: 0916802264 (Dedicated to Ken Aston by author.)
- Association Football-Laws Illustrated, Stanley Lover, Pelham Books, London, Revised 1970, ISBN: 720704340, 127 pages (Ken Aston signature on fly.)
- A History of the Laws of Association Football, Sir Stanley Rous and Donald Ford, FIFA / Pelham Books, London, 1974, ISBN: B0006CVPZ6, 147 pages (Signed by Ken Aston inside front cover.)
- Fair or Foul?, Paul E. Harris, Jr. and Larry R. Harris, Soccer for Americans, 1995, 6th Edition, ISBN: 0916802256, 224 pages (Dedicated to Ken Aston by author.)
- Soccer Referee: A Guide to Fitness and Technique, Clive Thomas and Tom Hudson 1978, ISBN: 0715612794, 96 pages (Dedicated to Ken Aston by the author.)
- Dealing with Foul Play, USSF & FIFA, 1996
- Foul Play, Virgin Video, 1989, Soccer Learning Systems, San Ramon, CA
- Fouls and Misconduct (Women's World Cup), USSF, 2003
- Gamesmanship, USSF & FIFA, National Referee Development Program, 1996
- The Gray Areas - The Laws of the Game, National Referee Development Program, USSF 2002
- Guide to Procedures for Referees, Assistant Referees and Fourth Officials, USSF, 2000
- Guidelines for Referees (1986 World Cup), FIFA, 1987
- A History of Refereeing: The Team that Can Never Win: From the 1890's to the 1990's: The Story of the Soccer Referee, 1992, World Productions Establishment, Soccer Learning Systems, San Ramon, CA
- The History of Soccer: Vol. 1 By Gentlemen's Agreement, Soccer Learning Systems, San Ramon, CA
- The History of Soccer: Vol. 2 The Golden Age, Soccer Learning Systems, San Ramon, CA
- Improving Refereeing Skills, The Football Association, FA Learning, 2005, DVD, A compilation of programs to support referee training, Distributed by Soccer Learning Systems, Pleasanton, CA. image
- Refereeing Today, The Football Association, FA Learning, 2007, DVD, A programme for aspiring Referees image
- Law 11 - Offside, United States Soccer Federation, ca. 1994, National Referee Development Program
- Law 11 - Offside, United States Soccer Federation and FIFA , ca. 1996
- The Laws of Soccer Presented by Juergen Klinsmann, 2005, German Impex International, DVD
- Learn the Laws, Version 2, 2003, FALearning, Interactive CD for windows computers.
- Making the Offside Call, Featuring 1999 Women's World Cup, 2001, USSF, Chicago
- Myths of the Game, National Referee Development Program,1999, USSF, Chicago
- NSCAA / NISOA Critical Match Incidents, 1999
- Persistent Infringement, U.S. Soccer Federation, National Program for Referee Development, 2002, DVD image
- Play Winning Soccer, Learn to Play the Game From the Pros, Volume 2 Laws, Refs & Coaching, Eddie Pearson, Al Miller, Star Classics Exclusive, No. 20011, ca 1975 image
- Ready Set Ref, AYSO, Youth Sports Publications, Chatsworth, CA , circa 2002 image
- Referee - Presented By Paul Gascoigne, 1996, Firefly Entertainment
- The Referee's Introduction to Offside, 2002,, Compact Disc
- The Referees: The Most Controversial Position on the Pitch, 2002,, DVD (Region 2 Encoding) image
- Seeing the Fouls: Angle of View is More Important Than Distance, 2005, Robert Evans, Compact Disc
- So, you Decided to Play Soccer: The Rules of the Game for Soccer Moms and Dads (And their kids), 2008, Alex Mebane, DVD, ASIN B001ENOFGW image
- Soccer Refereeing, The Football Association and The BBC, 1986, 2 tapes, Fair & Unfair Challenges, Managing Set Play Situations, Dealing w/Unsporting Behavior, Positioning and Movement.
- Soccer Rules: A Guide to the Laws of the Game, Scottish Football Association, Sportsworld Video, Ltd., Soccer Learning Systems, San Ramon, CA 1993
- Soccer Rules LOTG, Football Association, 2000, Graham Poll and Graham Barber
- Soccer Bloopers, Soccer Learning Systems, San Ramon, CA
Videos produced by John Nielsen
John Nielsen is a retired FIFA Assistant Referee from British Columbia. He produced videos for use in training of referees.
- Anything Wrong? A Video Test, VCR, John Nielsen, ca 1996
- Anything Wrong 2? A Video Test for Soccer Referees, VCR, John Nielsen, 1998
- Anything Wrong 3? A Video Test for Soccer Referees, DVD, John Nielsen, 2001
- Assess the Referee Euro 2004, Data File, John Nielsen, ca 2007
- Assistant Referees 1998 World Cup, Data File, John Nielsen, ca 2007
- Cautions 101: How to Play your Cards Right, DVD, John Nielsen, 1996-1997
- Cautions & Ejections: One Referee At A Time, DVD, John Nielsen, 1998
- Ejections 101: How to Play your Cards Right, DVD, John Nielsen, 1997-1998
- Euro 2000: The Cautions, The Ejections, The Goals, DVD, John Nielsen, 2000
- Euro 2004 USA, Data File, John Nielsen, 2004
- Fine Tuning the Thinking Referee Volume 1 Class 3 USA, Data File, John Nielsen, ca 2008
- Fine Tuning the Thinking Referee Volume 2, Data File, John Nielsen, ca 2008
- Officiating Symposium for National Referees, Assessors and Instructors, VCR, John Nielsen, 2004
- Referee Video-Test, Data File, John Nielsen, 2006
- Refresher Course-2003-2004, Data File, John Nielsen, 2003
- Refresher 2003-2004, Data File, John Nielsen, 2003
- Painting the Grey Area: Designed for the Established Referee, DVD, John Nielsen, 2003
- 10 Clips Video Exam, VCR, John Nielsen, 2004
- World Cup 2002: The Cautions, The Ejections, The 161 Goals, DVD, John Nielsen, 2002
- You Would Do What?, DVD, John Nielsen, 2002
Items I am looking for . . . .
- How to Get Started Refereeing Soccer, Evan Clary, Kindle, 2016, ISBN B01AKUQ878, 19 Pages (eBook available) image
- Geronwithit in the Stewartry, A. R. Davis, Creedon Publications, 2009, ISBN 9781899316342, 100 pp (also may have been self published) image
- Born to Live: Forever in Black, Dave Montana (David Orriss), 2023?, Partridge Publishing or Partnership Publishing, 9781915200440 (not sure if this autobiography includes any referee stuff) image
- The Official's Guide Soccer '97-'98, Carl P. Schwartz, Referee Enterprises, Wisconsin, 1997, ISBN 9780966020991, 81 Pages image (Have a photocopy - looking for original)
- A Primer for Instructors of Beginning Soccer Referees, Emerson Mathurin, Canadian Soccer Association, 1997, 4th Ed., ISBN 9780968156506, 99 Pages
- A Primer for Instructors of Beginning Soccer Referees, Emerson Mathurin, Canadian Soccer Association, 1984, 2nd Ed.
- Whistle One: Tips for New Soccer Referees, Nathan Moseley, 2022 Self Published ASIN B09XWRG2G1, 20 pp image
- The Soccer Rules Quiz Book, Wayne Wheelwright, Kindle/Amazon, 2014, ISBN B00KY57IYC, 18 pp (Available as an ebook) image
- Soccer All the Rules, Editori Riuniti, Aringoli Editori Associati, (English, (English translation of Calcio Tutte le regole), 2009 or 2010, ISBN 9788835980155, ASIN B003R7L9NA, 169 pp image
Rehash of the LOTG
- How to Umpire and Referee, J. S. Carmichael, Bauldie Chooks, London, W. Stevens, 1884 Publication G13 in A Football Compendium
- The Recreational Referee, North American Soccer Camps
- The FA Referee Course, FA Education
- An Interactive DVD-ROM for Trainee Referees and Coaches: Learn the Laws, FA Education
- Hill's Law of Soccer, Gordon Hill, Icarus Pr., ?, 1986 , ISBN 978-0896513037, ? Pages
- Well Done! Dermot Galagher! The Autobiography of the Premiereship's Longest Serving Referee, Dermot Gallagher, Pennant Books Ltd. ISBn 978-0955059430, 2997 (Probably never actually published.)
- The Referee: Surviving Life, Cancer and the Premier League, Mark Halsey, Ian Ridley, Headline Book Publishing, 2020, ISBN 978-0755364381 (Probably never actually published.) Image
- Soccer Refereeing as Serious Leisure and Whether it Leads to the Development of a Leisure Identity, Barbara Lynn Kampmeinert, California State University, Sacramento, 2020, pp 124
- Assessing soccer referee performance using work sample and conventional testing methods, Robert L. Kuhnle, Publisher = Old Dominion University, pp 210, 1989 ASIN:B000721UYQ
- The TDK World of Referee Foul-Ups: Referee Decisions, World of Football 1998, VHS image
- Laws of Football, the correct decisions for all illegalities, Perseus, Preston: Toumin, 1922 (pseudonym of the Lancashire Daily Post) 24 pages Publication G20 in A Football Compendium
- Have a Word Ref!, Johnny Vaughan, 2005 ISBN 0007214251 Harper Collins 195 pages Image
- VIDEO Use of the penalty mark and judging challenges 56 min, The Football Association, 1991
- VIDEO The Role of the Referee and Fitness Testing 50 min,, The Football Association, 1991