USSF Licenses in your Profile The monitors the USSF referee licenses for Users. In order to do this the USSSF 16 digit registration number must be in your Pensra profile. Go to Services:Profile-USSF tab to see if your 16 digit is in your profile.
ASIDE: The USSF has used at least three different formats for the 16 digit registration number in the past. Knowing the number and noting the format will give an indication of when the User obtained the number from the USSF. For example
Before 2005 numbers started with two zeros. Example: 0012 3456 7890 1234 From 2005 to 2020 numbers started with the year. Example: 2010 0000 1234 5678 Since 2021 numbers have started with a 1. Example: 1000 0000 0111 1234
No USSF Number in your Profile?
Only the Webmaster can add a USSF registration number to your profile. Contact
The 16 digit USSF registration number is required for [claArconym] to accurately reflect your USSF licenses in the Profile.
Logon to to find your 16 digit USSF registration number. Use the "Directory" at this website to search the USSF database for the license status of USSF registrants.
No USSF License in your Profile?
Any Administrator or selected Assignors can query the USSF database APi to query the USSF database and update your USSF license status in your Profile. They do so by clicking on the action icon in the Manage-Users results list adjacent to your data record. |