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Match Results


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We show the following Match Results from completed Pensra Referee Assignments for select PlayingLeagues (see the Pulldown below for participating PlayingLeagues) that meet the criteria you have set (as of Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024 at 10:15pm PDT). Note that this list IS subject to change as additional Referees file their reports associated with Assignment completion.

multiple multiple multiple Site Printable
3204286/30/2024Mission Youth SLBU083-7
3204296/30/2024Mission Youth SLBU0811-0
3204346/30/2024Mission Youth SLBU1012-1
3204326/30/2024Mission Youth SLBU105-2
3204376/30/2024Mission Youth SLBU120-3
3204336/30/2024Mission Youth SLBU123-3
3204316/30/2024Mission Youth SLGU120-0
3204386/30/2024Mission Youth SLBU147-2
3204396/30/2024Mission Youth SLBU162-0
3199396/30/2024Sunday Coed Adult Social SLMixedO192-3
3199436/30/2024Sunday Coed Adult Social SLMixedO193-3
3199446/30/2024Sunday Coed Adult Social SLMixedO191-2
3199416/30/2024Sunday Coed Adult Social SLMixedO192-6
3199426/30/2024Sunday Coed Adult Social SLMixedO194-2
3199406/30/2024Sunday Coed Adult Social SLMixedO191-3
3204856/30/2024NorCal PremierBU122-1
3205076/30/2024NorCal PremierBU125-3
3205016/30/2024NorCal PremierBU140-11
3204156/29/2024Mission Youth SLBU0824-0
3204146/29/2024Mission Youth SLBU083-11
Displayed 1 to 20 of 36 right1