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Duplicate use of GotSport 39212 detected in Pensra Fields: 1068, 1562

PensraPensra has the following GotSport Field#s on file as being associated with the corresponding Pensra FieldField.

Site Printable
KeyGotSportsortdPensrasortPensra Field Namesort
2110328469Fairmont School
2210329869Minnie and Lovie 1
231306625AEDCubberley Football Field
24136631368Val Vista 1
25136641369Val Vista 2
26136651370Val Vista 3
2713921744Gellert Park Turf
28139891039Cayetano Park
29154921295Davis A 1
30154931296Davis A 2
31154941297Davis A 3
32154951298Davis B 4
33154961299Davis B 5
34154971300Davis B 6
35154981301Davis B 7
36154991302Davis B 8
37155001306Davis D 10
38155011305Davis D 9
39155021307Davis E 11
40155031308Davis E 12
left1 Displayed 21 to 40 of 946 right1rightend