Referee Abuse Prevention Levels

U.S. Soccer recently announced a new Referee Abuse Prevention (RAP) policy.
- Defines levels of referee abuse
- Provides examples of referee abuse
- Minimum suspensions
- Reporting requirements (coming later in 2025)
USSoccer RAP Website
- Non-Physical Level 1 = Verbal Taunting
- Words or gestures that
- insult
- belittle
- insinuate
- taunt
- undermine referee authority
- Non-Physical Level 2 = Harassment / Intimidation
- Language or actions that make the referee feel unsafe
- Harassment
- Intimidation
- Retaliation
- Abusive or threatening (non-physica) language
- Non-Physical Level 3 = Verbal Taunting
- Aggressive language and threats of violence
- Aggression
- Attacking
- Derogatory
- Cyberbullying
- Doxing
- Threatening (physical) language
- Non-Physical Level 4 = Verbal Taunting
- Discriminatory or derogatory words or actions bsed on
- Race
- Skin color
- Ethnicity
- Nationality
- Social Origin
- Gender
- Disability
- Sexual orientation
- Language
- Religion
- Physical Level 1 = Minor or slight touching
- Physical Level 2 = Intentional Confrontation
- Using contact to intimidate or provoke a physical confrontation
- Pushing
- Grabbing
- Pulling
- Squeezing
- Pinching
- Lightly slapping
- Physical property damage
- Physical Level 3 = Violent Conduct
- Physical contact that is malicious, violent, or intende to cause harm
- Hitting
- Punching
- Elbowing
- Kicking
- Biting
- Spitting
- Choking
- Tackling
- Throwing an object in a striking manner