Copa Madera and Winter Turf Tournament Rules Summary This rules summary is provided to the referees as a service. These are not the official rules of the competition. NO warranty is made that this summary is up to date.
Valid, current US Club or USYS (CYSA) player and coach passes are required. All passes for a team must be from the same organization.
2019 USClub passes may not be available. Exceptions per Tournament Diretctor / Field Marshal
Guest players will be allowed. All guest players must have the proper credentials. Maximum number of guests allowed: 5 for 7v7; 6 for 9v9 and 7 for 11v11.
U08-U10 => 7v7 minimum not in rules U11-U12 => 9v9 minimum 6 to start 5 to continue U13+ => 11v11 minimum 8 to start 7 to continue
No metal studs on synthetic turf fields. No orthopedic casts, air splints or metal splints.
Send offs
Referees complete a sendoff report - see the field marshal.
A player or coach who has been ejected in a single game shall not return for that game and will not be allowed to participate in the next scheduled game
Ball Size
Size 4 for U12 and younger. Size 5 for U13 and older.
If necessary, the designated home team shall supply balls for each match (subject to Law 2 and Law 5).
Small sided adaptations.
- No Heading. IFK
- No GK punt
- Build out line
- Goal kicks taken from the Goal Area
- No Heading in U11
Unlimited substitutions at any stoppage only with the referee's permission:
Match Length
U08-10 (7v7) -- 20 minute halves U11-12 (9v9) - 25 minute halves U13-U19 (11v11) -- 30 minute halves
Half time will be exactly five minutes.
Preliminary games must end within 5 minutes of the scheduled start of the next match. The length of any game may be shortened to shorter but equal halves if the referee or Tournament Director deems it necessary due to field conditions, weather, or darkness.
Championship and Consolation Matches
Copa Madera If a championship, semifinal, or consolation game is tied at the end of regulation play, two 5-minute overtime periods will be played. Golden Goal rule will apply. If the game is still tied at the completion of the overtime periods, the game will be decided by KFTM as per FIFA laws of the game.
Winter Turf If a Championship(Final) or Consolation(3rd place) game is tied at the regulation play, two 5-minute overtime periods will be played - Golden Goal rule WILL apply. No break between periods. If the game is still tied at the completion of the overtime periods, the game will be decided by KFTM as per FIFA laws of the game.
Only the players on the field at the end of the play may participate in the KFTM.
Home Team
The team listed first on the schedule is the home team. For championship/consolation games the highest total points of the paired teams wil be the Home Team. If tied on points - coin toss.
If there is a conflict in team colors, as determined by the referee, the home team shall switch to an alternate jersey or alternate uniform pieces.
Home team should wear dark colored uniform and the visiting team should wear white or light colored uniform.
Politely & discreetly remind coaches that a goal differential greater than 7 results in a loss of points. Report deliberate own-goal to tournament director. |